Wednesday, 6 August 2008

The faces behind Virtual Planet,

Gerhardt Koch, born on the 27 December 1969.
Gerhardt is married to Linda Louise Koch and they have two beautiful kids. A daughter named Jasmin Gale and a son called Aidan Thomas.
Gerhardt was the youngest ever cadet in the South African Air force, he joined when he was 15 yrs old, in Sept 86 intake. He turned 16 right after basic training. He was in the Air force for 6 yrs before he decided to go travelling and seeing the world. He past by and touched many peoples hearts, minds and other body parts he cares not to mention. Any way he came back to South Africa in 1997 and started working like normal people do. He worked at Mossgas for 2 yrs and the got married to Linda, they moved to Botswana where he worked for DeBeers on the diamond mines. (He will tell you some snippets about this some time). Jasmin was born in 2001 and Gerhardt went off to Angola to work on the oil Rigs, he did this not to change nappies every day and to earn some serious dollars, he was in Angola for 6 years. Aidan was born in 2006 and funny enough Gerhardt changed jobs as soon as this happened. He started working in Nigeria for more money and less work, enough time to sit and ponder about starting his own thing and thus the idea off Virtual Planet was hatched. He is described by some as a "dark horse" his wife calls him a stud, not sure if it is because he is well hung or because he wants to procreate so much. He travelled extensively in his younger days. And has a lot of memoirs, he is sure to publish an Auto-biography about his life some time.

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